Sacha became interested in dance at a very young age. At 26 years old, he has 11 years of break dancing behind him, starting in train station halls, then gradually moving on to more appropriate venues.
Born in Albania, he arrived in Belgium at the age of 8. In 2002, he gets involved in the Hip-hop culture. Trained by Karim Kalonji and Mr. Free.
Choreographic artist in several creations of the company, he is one of the most active and faithful dancers of the company.
Fouad Atzouza rather known under the name of Kid Menace is native of Roubaix (France). He is a versatile dancer and is most advanced in the "Popping" category.
Originally from Japan, she trained at the Yamamouchi Ballet School in Osaka and at the Stedelijk Institut voor Ballet in Antwerp.
Contemporary, hip-hop, experimental, at 20 years old the dancer Link Berthomieux explores all styles. He has been immersed in the world of dance since his childhood.
Ismaera is originally from Japan. A versatile and unclassifiable dancer, his multiple experiences have led him to master contemporary dance, contact dance, modern jazz, butoh, sabar and hip hop dance.
From the age of 12 years Sofiane made the 1st part of the choreographer FRANK DE LOUISE at the Park de la Villette in Paris with the CIELABEL METIS in 1999.
Better known under the nickname of "Mousstik", he discovered hiphop dance in 2002 with Brahim Bouchelaghem. His career is based on a dynamic of competition and exchange.
For Emmy, dance has always been a passion. Having started with modern jazz at the age of 6, she discovered hip hop in 2010 and especially breakdance with KLA District.
Trained as an educator, he worked for 14 years with children and adolescents. At the same time, he practiced beakdance, which he uses in his work. As a dancer, he has developed a unique style.
Active since 1998, Bboy Abdel began by the creation before turning to the competition. It was at the Rencontres Urbaines de la Villette that the trigger took place, when he performed with the 59 Krew.
Kamil Bousselham is a breakdancer, living in the north of France in Amiens. He has many international and French titles.
Mathéo is a young bboy of international fame who evolves within the emblematic crew 59K.
Martin est un jeune danseur de hip hop membre du crew KLA District. Initié à l’art du battle, il a très vite gagné un nom sur la scène nationale et internationale.
He discovered dance in high school. Very quickly he decides to follow various courses and training courses proposed in his region; he then meets the choreographer Rachel Mateïs.
Said, dancer specialized in popping, active member of the D.STREET crew from Roubaix. He relies on a strong will and an important power of action.
He started break dancing in 2002. Today he is one of the most original bboys in Ukraine. Master of the "Footwork", Bboy Uzee Rock is also an unequalled improviser.

Practicing Break since 2000, he is also part of the East-Side B-boys Crew in Ukraine, Dnepr. In addition to his participation in numerous battles, competitions and performances, he has appeared in Ukraine Talent Show.
He has been practicing break dance since 1999 and is part of the East Side b-boys crew, Ukraine. He comes from the city of Zaprojie. His dance and his break are energetic, he is the phaser of the East Side b-boys group.

She has been practicing break dance since 2007. She participates in many battles, competitions at the national and international level.
He is part of the East Side b-boys crew, Ukraine. He has participated and won many international battles, and is one of the best dancers in Ukraine. His dance is powerful and his break style unique.
He has been dancing since 2003 and represents two of the best breakdance crews in Ukraine: Fast Bodies & Ruffneck Attack. He is very present in the cyphers, where everything started for him.

At 24 years old, Bgirl Kim, since 2006, is part of the Rocking Chicks / Natural Groove Crew. Her dance and her break have the particularity to be original and musical. She has won several competitions.
Born in 1992, he started his career as a Hip-Hop dancer in 2001 in Kiev, and became professional in 2006. He practices Street Workout/Calisthenics since 2012.
He started in 2000 and has been performing ever since. He represents the Ukrainian crew from Kiev, Ruffneck Attack. Born in 1985, he has more than 16 years of experience in breakdance.
Nordine est un jeune danseur de Calais, il débute le breaking en 2013 au sein de son crew KLA, avec lequel il participera à plusieurs battles tel que le Battle of the Year et se positionnera en 3e position au Championnat de France en 2018. Depuis 2020, il a intégré la compagnie Zahrbat pour une reprise de rôle dans Usure.
Originaire de Belgique, Emiel Polydoor, connu sous le nom bboy Emilio est agé de 20 ans. Son crew « Psycho’s » de Gand (Belgique). Il pratique à « Together We Stand » avec son coach Sam (famous belgium bboy) issu du crew reconnu « Team Shmetta ».
Sidali est un danseur de Calais où il débute le breaking en 2008 au sein de son crew KLA, avec lequel il participera à plusieurs battles tel que le Battle of the Year et se positionnera en 3e position au Championnat de France en 2018, tout comme Nordine. Depuis 2020, il enseigne également au sein de We For You à Calais et en région
Momoka Kubota est née à Tokyo au Japon en 1994. Elle débute ses études de danse au Tokyo Ballet Theater à seulement 7 ans, jusqu’à ses 21 ans. En parallèle, elle rejoint le Tokyo Metropolitan Senior High School au département danse à 15 ans, puis l’Université japonaise féminine d’Education Sportive au département danse à 18 ans.
In 2007, his cousin offers him to accompany him to his dance training, that's how he discovers this universe which will become his passion. In 2008, he participates in a training course of Hugo Smooth and continues his personal formation via the trainings.
Born in 1984 in Kharkov, his first encounter with hip-hop culture took place in 1988. He won his first battle in 2000 with his Ukrainian crew. In 2005 he joined the TOP 9 crew and won the BOTY (Battle of the Year, world championship) in 2008, then was finalist in 2009.
Dmitry Kolokolnikov, alias Komar. After a professional career in martial arts, he started dancing when he was still a student in Almaty and travelled in international competitions after his first crew.

Stanislav Vaytehovich, alias Wolt. Born on December 5th 1979 in Leningrad, Wolt met the hip hop culture through his older brother DJ Air Wolf 771. He also started as a DJ and turned to dance in 1996.
As a teenager, he started dancing with modern jazz, which he practiced as a hobby. Vincent continued his studies and after obtaining a degree in English and the competitive examination for school teachers, which he decided to give up, he chose to train intensively in dance.
After practicing martial arts, he discovered hip hop dance at the age of 17 in Beleda (Algeria). From 2002 to 2005 he joined the Ballets des arts d'Alger.
She was born in 1975 in Moroni - COMOROS and started dancing in 1990, self-taught dancer.
She quickly met some of the pioneers of hip hop dance in France such as ;
Maxim Shakhov, aka Simpson was born in Leningrad on September 6th 1982. In the hip hop culture since 1994 with the team "Crew style Jam", he joined TOP 9 crew in 2001 to realize bigger projects
Dmytro Li, aka Flying Buddha, also known as Chan, or Li.
Born in Ukraine on October 15, 1986 in Poltava, of a Russian mother and Korean father, he spent his childhood in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine.
Anna has been a dancer for about twenty years and obtained her state diploma in 2001. She has been working for many years on various aesthetics.
but it is in hip hop that she identifies best.

She lives in the northern districts of Marseille and began her artistic career at the age of 12. Under the direction of the choreographer Josette Baïz, the Groupe Grenade, composed of children, was born.
Self-taught hip hop dancer since 1995, he is a performer in the Accrorap Company and was one of the founders of the S'POART Company, then artistic director of several creations. Pierre dances in Anokha, Les corps étrangers, Petites histoires.com for the Accrorap company.
Agé de 19 ans, Bboy Piscou pratique le breaking depuis 11 ans et évolue dans les compétitions avec son crew KLA, comme notamment le BOTY (Battle Of The Year France) …. Il a également participé aux séléctions des JOJ de la jeunesse en 2016 en Allemagne
Elle a 31 ans et pratique le breaking depuis l’âge de 12 ans. Son nm de BGirl est Warlene. Elle est membre du crew Figure de Style et enseigne la danse à Resid’dance. Elle a participé à de nombreux batlle nationaux et internationaux comme le BOTY (battle of the year France), IBE (Pays Bas), Outbreak (Europe). Elle est actuellement championne régionale et vice championne de France détient le statut de sportive de haut niveau de la fédération française de danse en vue de JO Paris 2024.
Né en 1990, il a commencé à pratiquer le rugby avant de s’orienter vers la danse et la compétition. Il rejoint le crew KLA (fondé par son frère). Depuis il a gagné de nombreux battles. Il est également musicien il joue du hang et compose pour le projet solo de son frère
Agé de 18 ans, son nom dans le hip hop est bboy scar. Il est membre du crew figure 2 Style depuis 2011. Il exerce dans le breaking, les techniques comme les phases, les footwork et top rock. Avec son crew il a participé à de nombreux battles comme le BOTY (Battle of the year), Battle Pro (Chelles – France), Cill and the city (Paris)