Composer - 2005
USMAR Quentin Vanhersel
Usmar is a musician-producer from Lille with diverse and varied influences.
Spotted by the Découvertes du Printemps de Bourges and by the Chantier des Francos in 2005 with his first album " L'âge des possibles ". (Tekonosko / Musicast / Sony ATV Publishing). He evolves in the current music until the release of his second album "Rien n'est parfait" with the single "Pirate".
Usmar will then turn more and more to live performance where he signs many music for various companies (Compagnie Zapoï, Gilda et compagnie, Compagnie Joker, Cie In Extremis...) He specializes in the use of electronic instruments in live (computers, tablets, smartphones, controllers and sensors)
In 2015, he created "Quand Je Serai Petit" with singer-songwriter Tony Melvil, a multidisciplinary show for all audiences from 7 years old.
In 2016 he launched Beats & Politics on Youtube, a graphical-musical project where he puts to music, once a month, speeches of intellectuals. A new album was released in June 2016, "bandes originales", a compilation of pieces created for the shows of Stanka Pavlova (Cie Zapoï). 12 tracks reworked from stage to record for early childhood.
In 2017, Usmar signs the music of 3 new shows, "Chat/Chat" by the company Zapoï, "Bleu" for the Théâtre de L'Aventure and "le Dragon d'or" by the company "Par Dessus Bord", whose music will be released digitally on download and steaming platforms.
2018 is the music of "West'RN" by Denis Bonnetier (Zapoï company) and a new show with Tony Melvil "Manque à L'appel" for the Illimitée company.