Created in 2014
He devours the space and draws the scene with his gesture.
"My wish is to place the notion of space at the heart of my new creation, to confront myself with this abstract and yet so concrete idea for us dancers."
Surrounded by five dancers of different techniques, he will furrow the stage with ardor, trampling it, breaking it down, crossing it, pressing it until he extracts the meaning. Because beyond the space of the stage, individuals are hidden, what links them or separates them.
The spaces - theatrical and organic - will be the primary material of the dramaturgy of movement; a journey of emotions and states produced by the writing of the dance.
To make the space of possibilities legible via the dancing bodies and the scenography where the dance floors will be the paths.

Each performer is responsible for his or her ephemeral trace in the unstructured scenic surface...and each individuality echoes the group by creating a common space giving existence to the invisible to the impalpable network of relationships between the bodies.
The space, place of the intimate tensions of the danced movement, is also described as a possibility of the experience.

Choreography Brahim Bouchelaghem
Interpretation Fouad Atzouza, Alhousseyni N’Diaye, Jules Leduc, Ismaera Takeo Ishii, Sacha Vangrevelynghe and Brahim Bouchelaghem
Original music Nicolas de Zorzi and Manuel Wandji
Additional music Payne’s Gray and Still Frame (Lusine), Rutina (Panasonic), Immunity (John Hopkins),4th of July (Edward Shearmer), Mountain Legend (CloZee), Sunshine Recorder (Boards of Canada) – Benno (Howard Shore & Metric)
Mixage et conseils Nicolas de Zorzi
Lights Philippe Chambion
Scénographie Brahim Bouchelaghem, Construction Ateliers du Théâtre du Nord
Administration and artistic coordination Marie Greulich
Production Compagnie Zahrbat
Coproduction Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Nord-Pas de Calais – Red Brick Project, Maison Folie de Wazemmes Lille, Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Käfig dans le cadre de l’Accueil Studio, La Condition Publique Roubaix.
Avec le soutien de la Région Nord Pas de Calais et la Ville de Roubaix