Studio loans
In parallel to his transmission and teaching activities, Brahim Bouchelaghem also develops his support for other companies. As a fair return of what he received during his years of companionship within the CCN of Roubaix under the direction of Carolyn Carlson, the choreographer wishes to open his doors to artists who need a place to work on their project.
Also dance companies are welcomed at Studio 28, giving them the possibility to settle for the duration they wish, the time to create, rehearse, think about their creations.
In a concern for artistic openness, Brahim bouchelaghem, who likes to decompartmentalize choreographic and artistic disciplines, has also welcomed more hybrid projects that mix theater and dance, even music.
We count among the companies hosted :
Carolyn Carlson Company ; Akoma Neve Company ; Artopie Company ; Fractale Company, Embellie Musculaire Company ; Villcanota Bruno Pradet Company ; La Ruse Company, Sapharide Company...