Founded in 2005
The company
The company Zahrbat, based in Roubaix, tours all over the world, in France and also abroad as in Asia in Hong Kong, Seoul... in Africa in Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar... in Europe, in Switzerland, in Germany, in the United Kingdom... in Russia, in New Caledonia... All these representations place the company as one of the most dynamic of the region and the most promising on a national scale.
All these performances place the company as one of the most dynamics of the region and the most promising on a national scale.
The program
Upcoming events

Tour Italie octobre 24
Run au Festival T Danse à Aoste
Tracks au Teatro Libero à Palerme
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For this new opus for young audiences, Brahim Bouchelaghem wishes to explore the theme of the initiatory journey.
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Motion (Passage)
Pièce 100 % breaking pour 9 danseurs.
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The company
The dancers


Sacha Vangrevelynghe

Alhouseyni N'Diaye

Marlène Spahr
Danseuse Bgirl
Contact form
Our address
28 Rue des champs, 59100 Roubaix
Monday-Friday 09:00 - 19:00, Saturday-Sunday 10:00-14:00